За да проведете опитите от този раздел е необходимо да имате, респективно да поръчате:
1. P9901-4R SEK Circular motion –
Центробежни сили – сили на летене
Центробежни сили – окачени топчета
Регулатор на центробежните сили
Въртящи се течности
Въртящо се махало
1x P1340-2E Centrifugal hoops “compact”
1x P1340-2Z Watt’s governor “compact”
1x P1340-2R Foucault’s pendulum “compact”
1x P1340-2D Rotating disk “compact”
1x P1340-2C Locking screw M3, small
1x P1340-2S Steel balls ½” (12.7 mm),set of 2
1x P1340-2K Rotational dynamics
paradox/accelerometer “compact”
Centrifugal cuvette and suspended balls
combined in one item
Drive engine “compact”:
Simple, solid hand drive unit
consisting of:
1x P1345-1D MBC pivot bearing with transmission gear
1x P1345-1M Magnetic base for drive pulley “compact”
1x P3410-4A Drive pulley “compact”, D = 100 mm
1x P3410-5A Drive belt “compact”
1x P3410-1A Assembly platform for MBCs